Headmistress's Welcome Message

Welcome to Tamale Girls’ Senior High School, the premier public senior high school located in the Northern Region of Ghana, situated within the Tamale Metro. At Tamale Girls’ Senior High School, we offer a supportive environment that encourages academic excellence and the holistic development of our students, offering a range of quality educational programs including General Science, General Arts, Home Economics and Business to equip them for future success.
We are committed to the well-being and success of our students, providing them with enriching experiences and opportunities that allow them to grow, discover new interests, and fully realize their potential for success in their chosen fields of study. A welcoming and diverse community with a rich history and unique cultural heritage.
We invite you to engage with us through our chat box for any questions or comments. If you wish to directly contact the school’s administration, you may email the Headmistress at asha@tamalegirlsshs.com